Tables SQL 2005 Adventure Works OLTP


Object type: Table

Products sold or used in the manfacturing of sold products.


Name  Data type  Nullable  Description 
ProductID  int  No Column has identity seed value of 1 with a step value of 1.
Primary key for Product records. 
Name  Name  No Name of the product. 
ProductNumber  nvarchar(25)  No Unique product identification number. 
MakeFlag  Flag  No Default value: 1
0 = Product is purchased, 1 = Product is manufactured in-house. 
FinishedGoodsFlag  Flag  No Default value: 1
0 = Product is not a salable item. 1 = Product is salable. 
Color  nvarchar(15)  Yes Product color. 
SafetyStockLevel  smallint  No Minimum inventory quantity. 
ReorderPoint  smallint  No Inventory level that triggers a purchase order or work order. 
StandardCost  money  No Standard cost of the product. 
ListPrice  money  No Selling price. 
Size  nvarchar(5)  Yes Product size. 
SizeUnitMeasureCode  nchar(3)  Yes Unit of measure for Size column. 
WeightUnitMeasureCode  nchar(3)  Yes Unit of measure for Weight column. 
Weight  decimal(8, 2)  Yes Product weight. 
DaysToManufacture  int  No Number of days required to manufacture the product. 
ProductLine  nchar(2)  Yes R = Road, M = Mountain, T = Touring, S = Standard 
Class  nchar(2)  Yes H = High, M = Medium, L = Low 
Style  nchar(2)  Yes W = Womens, M = Mens, U = Universal 
ProductSubcategoryID  int  Yes Product is a member of this product subcategory. Foreign key to ProductSubCategory.ProductSubCategoryID. 
ProductModelID  int  Yes Product is a member of this product model. Foreign key to ProductModel.ProductModelID. 
SellStartDate  datetime  No Date the product was available for sale. 
SellEndDate  datetime  Yes Date the product was no longer available for sale. 
DiscontinuedDate  datetime  Yes Date the product was discontinued. 
rowguid  uniqueidentifier  No Default value: NEWID()
ROWGUIDCOL number uniquely identifying the record. Used to support a merge replication sample. 
ModifiedDate  datetime  No Default value: GETDATE()
Date and time the record was last updated. 


Name  Type  Columns  Description 
DF_Product_MakeFlag  DEFAULT  MakeFlag  Value: 1
Default constraint value of 1 
DF_Product_FinishedGoodsFlag  DEFAULT  FinishedGoodsFlag  Value: 1
Default constraint value of 1 
DF_Product_rowguid  DEFAULT  rowguid  Value: NEWID()
Default constraint value of NEWID() 
DF_Product_ModifiedDate  DEFAULT  ModifiedDate  Value: GETDATE()
Default constraint value of GETDATE() 
CK_Product_SafetyStockLevel  CHECK  N/A  Value: ([SafetyStockLevel] > 0)
Check constraint [SafetyStockLevel]>(0) 
CK_Product_ReorderPoint  CHECK  N/A  Value: ([ReorderPoint] > 0)
Check constraint [ReorderPoint]>(0) 
CK_Product_StandardCost  CHECK  N/A  Value: ([StandardCost] >= 0.00)
Check constraint [SafetyStockLevel]>(0) 
CK_Product_ListPrice  CHECK  N/A  Value: ([ListPrice] >= 0.00)
Check constraint [ListPrice]>=(0.00) 
CK_Product_Weight  CHECK  N/A  Value: ([Weight] > 0.00)
Check constraint [Weight]>(0.00) 
CK_Product_DaysToManufacture  CHECK  N/A  Value: ([DaysToManufacture] >= 0)
Check constraint [DaysToManufacture]>=(0) 
CK_Product_ProductLine  CHECK  N/A  Value: (UPPER([ProductLine]) IN ('S', 'T', 'M', 'R') OR [ProductLine] IS NULL)
Check constraint [ProductLine]='r' OR [ProductLine]='m' OR [ProductLine]='t' OR [ProductLine]='s' OR [ProductLine]='R' OR [ProductLine]='M' OR [ProductLine]='T' OR [ProductLine]='S' OR [ProductLine] IS NULL 
CK_Product_Class  CHECK  N/A  Value: (UPPER([Class]) IN ('L', 'M', 'H') OR [Class] IS NULL)
Check constraint [Class]='h' OR [Class]='m' OR [Class]='l' OR [Class]='H' OR [Class]='M' OR [Class]='L' OR [Class] IS NULL 
CK_Product_Style  CHECK  N/A  Value: (UPPER([Style]) IN ('W', 'M', 'U') OR [Style] IS NULL)
Check constraint [Style]='u' OR [Style]='m' OR [Style]='w' OR [Style]='U' OR [Style]='M' OR [Style]='W' OR [Style] IS NULL 
CK_Product_SellEndDate  CHECK  N/A  Value: (([SellEndDate] >= [SellStartDate]) OR ([SellEndDate] IS NULL) )
Check constraint [SellEndDate] >= [SellStartDate] OR [SellEndDate] IS NULL 
PK_Product_ProductID  PRIMARY KEY  ProductID  Clustered index created by a primary key constraint. 
FK_Product_UnitMeasure_SizeUnitMeasureCode  FOREIGN KEY  SizeUnitMeasureCode  Reference table: Production.UnitMeasure
Foreign key constraint referencing UnitMeasure.UnitMeasureCode. 
FK_Product_UnitMeasure_WeightUnitMeasureCode  FOREIGN KEY  WeightUnitMeasureCode  Reference table: Production.UnitMeasure
Foreign key constraint referencing UnitMeasure.UnitMeasureCode. 
FK_Product_ProductModel_ProductModelID  FOREIGN KEY  ProductModelID  Reference table: Production.ProductModel
Foreign key constraint referencing ProductModel.ProductModelID. 
FK_Product_ProductSubcategory_ProductSubcategoryID  FOREIGN KEY  ProductSubcategoryID  Reference table: Production.ProductSubcategory
Foreign key constraint referencing ProductSubcategory.ProductSubcategoryID. 


Name  Description 
AK_Product_Name  Unique nonclustered index. 
AK_Product_ProductNumber  Unique nonclustered index. 
AK_Product_rowguid  Unique nonclustered index.Used to support replication samples. 


Name  Description 
Production.uProduct  AFTER UPDATE trigger setting the ModifiedDate column in the Product table to the current date. 

Linked tables 

Name  Description 
Production.BillOfMaterials  Items required to make bicycles and bicycle subassemblies. It identifies the heirarchical relationship between a parent product and its components. 
Production.ProductCostHistory  Changes in the cost of a product over time. 
Production.ProductDocument  Cross-reference table mapping products to related product documents. 
Production.ProductInventory  Product inventory information. 
Production.ProductListPriceHistory  Changes in the list price of a product over time. 
Production.ProductProductPhoto  Cross-reference table mapping products and product photos. 
Production.ProductReview  Customer reviews of products they have purchased. 
Production.TransactionHistory  Record of each purchase order, sales order, or work order transaction year to date. 
Production.WorkOrder  Manufacturing work orders. 
Purchasing.ProductVendor  Cross-reference table mapping vendors with the products they supply. 
Purchasing.PurchaseOrderDetail  Individual products associated with a specific purchase order. See PurchaseOrderHeader. 
Sales.ShoppingCartItem  Contains online customer orders until the order is submitted or cancelled. 
Sales.SpecialOfferProduct  Cross-reference table mapping products to special offer discounts. 

Accessed by 

Name  Description 
Company Sales  Adventure Works sales by quarter and product category. This report illustrates the use of a matrix data region that provides drilldown from summary data into detail data by showing and hiding rows. This report also illustrates the use of background images. 
dbo.ufnGetProductDealerPrice  Scalar function returning the dealer price for a given product on a particular order date. 
dbo.ufnGetProductListPrice  Scalar function returning the list price for a given product on a particular order date. 
dbo.ufnGetProductStandardCost  Scalar function returning the standard cost for a given product on a particular order date. 
dbo.uspGetBillOfMaterials  Stored procedure using a recursive query to return a multi-level bill of material for the specified ProductID. 
dbo.uspGetWhereUsedProductID  Stored procedure using a recursive query to return all components or assemblies that directly or indirectly use the specified ProductID. 
Employee Sales Summary  Adventure Works sales for an individual employee. This report includes Sales Comparison and Current Month Sales Comparison charts in addition to a Current Month Order Summary table with drillthrough to individual orders. This report illustrates the use of multiple datasets, charts, tables, drillthrough, and dynamic parameters. 
Product Catalog  Adventure Works full product catalog with pictures. This report illustrates the use of embedded images, database images, page breaks, page footers, tables, conditional formatting, and a document map. 
Product Line Sales  Adventure Works top five sales people and stores. This report illustrates a dataset with queries containing the TOP clause. It also illustrates the use of tables, charts, parameters, calculated fields, and drillthrough links. 
Production.vProductAndDescription  Product names and descriptions. Product descriptions are provided in multiple languages. 
Sales Order Detail  Detail of an individual Adventure Works order. This report can be accessed as a drillthrough report from the Employee Sales Summary and Territory Sales drilldown report. This report illustrates the use of lists, tables, parameters, and expressions. 

Modified by 

Name  Description 
Production.uProduct  AFTER UPDATE trigger setting the ModifiedDate column in the Product table to the current date. 

Applies to

Tables | User
The AdventureWorks database sample was developed by Microsoft Corporation, copyright 2005. SQL Server is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation

Document was prepared on: Thursday, April 05, 2007
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