Tables SQL 2005 Adventure Works OLTP


Object type: Table

General sales order information.


Name  Data type  Nullable  Description 
SalesOrderID  int  No Column has identity seed value of 1 with a step value of 1.
Primary key. 
RevisionNumber  tinyint  No Default value: 0
Incremental number to track changes to the sales order over time. 
OrderDate  datetime  No Default value: GETDATE()
Dates the sales order was created. 
DueDate  datetime  No Date the order is due to the customer. 
ShipDate  datetime  Yes Date the order was shipped to the customer. 
Status  tinyint  No Default value: 1
Order current status. 1 = In process; 2 = Approved; 3 = Backordered; 4 = Rejected; 5 = Shipped; 6 = Cancelled 
OnlineOrderFlag  Flag  No Default value: 1
0 = Order placed by sales person. 1 = Order placed online by customer. 
SalesOrderNumber  ISNULL(N'SO' + CONVERT(nvarchar(23) , [SalesOrderID]) , N'*** ERROR ***')  Yes Unique sales order identification number. 
PurchaseOrderNumber  OrderNumber  Yes Customer purchase order number reference. 
AccountNumber  AccountNumber  Yes Financial accounting number reference. 
CustomerID  int  No Customer identification number. Foreign key to Customer.CustomerID. 
ContactID  int  No Customer contact identification number. Foreign key to Contact.ContactID. 
SalesPersonID  int  Yes Sales person who created the sales order. Foreign key to SalesPerson.SalePersonID. 
TerritoryID  int  Yes Territory in which the sale was made. Foreign key to SalesTerritory.SalesTerritoryID. 
BillToAddressID  int  No Customer billing address. Foreign key to Address.AddressID. 
ShipToAddressID  int  No Customer shipping address. Foreign key to Address.AddressID. 
ShipMethodID  int  No Shipping method. Foreign key to ShipMethod.ShipMethodID. 
CreditCardID  int  Yes Credit card identification number. Foreign key to CreditCard.CreditCardID. 
CreditCardApprovalCode  varchar(15)  Yes Approval code provided by the credit card company. 
CurrencyRateID  int  Yes Currency exchange rate used. Foreign key to CurrencyRate.CurrencyRateID. 
SubTotal  money  No Default value: 0.00
Sales subtotal. Computed as SUM(SalesOrderDetail.LineTotal)for the appropriate SalesOrderID. 
TaxAmt  money  No Default value: 0.00
Tax amount. 
Freight  money  No Default value: 0.00
Shipping cost. 
TotalDue  ISNULL([SubTotal] + [TaxAmt] + [Freight], 0)  Yes Total due from customer. Computed as Subtotal + TaxAmt + Freight. 
Comment  nvarchar(128)  Yes Sales representative comments. 
rowguid  uniqueidentifier  No Default value: NEWID()
ROWGUIDCOL number uniquely identifying the record. Used to support a merge replication sample. 
ModifiedDate  datetime  No Default value: GETDATE()
Date and time the record was last updated. 


Name  Type  Columns  Description 
DF_SalesOrderHeader_RevisionNumber  DEFAULT  RevisionNumber  Value: 0
Default constraint value of 0 
DF_SalesOrderHeader_OrderDate  DEFAULT  OrderDate  Value: GETDATE()
Default constraint value of GETDATE() 
DF_SalesOrderHeader_Status  DEFAULT  Status  Value: 1
Default constraint value of 1 
DF_SalesOrderHeader_OnlineOrderFlag  DEFAULT  OnlineOrderFlag  Value: 1
Default constraint value of 1 (TRUE) 
DF_SalesOrderHeader_SubTotal  DEFAULT  SubTotal  Value: 0.00
Default constraint value of 0.0 
DF_SalesOrderHeader_TaxAmt  DEFAULT  TaxAmt  Value: 0.00
Default constraint value of 0.0 
DF_SalesOrderHeader_Freight  DEFAULT  Freight  Value: 0.00
Default constraint value of 0.0 
DF_SalesOrderHeader_rowguid  DEFAULT  rowguid  Value: NEWID()
Default constraint value of NEWID() 
DF_SalesOrderHeader_ModifiedDate  DEFAULT  ModifiedDate  Value: GETDATE()
Default constraint value of GETDATE() 
CK_SalesOrderHeader_Status  CHECK  N/A  Value: ([Status] BETWEEN 0 AND 8)
Check constraint [Status] BETWEEN (0) AND (8) 
CK_SalesOrderHeader_DueDate  CHECK  N/A  Value: ([DueDate] >= [OrderDate])
Check constraint [DueDate] >= [OrderDate] 
CK_SalesOrderHeader_ShipDate  CHECK  N/A  Value: (([ShipDate] >= [OrderDate]) OR ([ShipDate] IS NULL) )
Check constraint [ShipDate] >= [OrderDate] OR [ShipDate] IS NULL 
CK_SalesOrderHeader_SubTotal  CHECK  N/A  Value: ([SubTotal] >= 0.00)
Check constraint [SubTotal]>=(0.00) 
CK_SalesOrderHeader_TaxAmt  CHECK  N/A  Value: ([TaxAmt] >= 0.00)
Check constraint [TaxAmt]>=(0.00) 
CK_SalesOrderHeader_Freight  CHECK  N/A  Value: ([Freight] >= 0.00)
Check constraint [Freight]>=(0.00) 
PK_SalesOrderHeader_SalesOrderID  PRIMARY KEY  SalesOrderID  Clustered index created by a primary key constraint. 
FK_SalesOrderHeader_Address_BillToAddressID  FOREIGN KEY  BillToAddressID  Reference table: Person.Address
Foreign key constraint referencing Address.AddressID. 
FK_SalesOrderHeader_Address_ShipToAddressID  FOREIGN KEY  ShipToAddressID  Reference table: Person.Address
Foreign key constraint referencing Address.AddressID. 
FK_SalesOrderHeader_Contact_ContactID  FOREIGN KEY  ContactID  Reference table: Person.Contact
Foreign key constraint referencing Contact.ContactID. 
FK_SalesOrderHeader_CreditCard_CreditCardID  FOREIGN KEY  CreditCardID  Reference table: Sales.CreditCard
Foreign key constraint referencing CreditCard.CreditCardID. 
FK_SalesOrderHeader_CurrencyRate_CurrencyRateID  FOREIGN KEY  CurrencyRateID  Reference table: Sales.CurrencyRate
Foreign key constraint referencing CurrencyRate.CurrencyRateID. 
FK_SalesOrderHeader_Customer_CustomerID  FOREIGN KEY  CustomerID  Reference table: Sales.Customer
Foreign key constraint referencing Customer.CustomerID. 
FK_SalesOrderHeader_SalesPerson_SalesPersonID  FOREIGN KEY  SalesPersonID  Reference table: Sales.SalesPerson
Foreign key constraint referencing SalesPerson.SalesPersonID. 
FK_SalesOrderHeader_ShipMethod_ShipMethodID  FOREIGN KEY  ShipMethodID  Reference table: Purchasing.ShipMethod
Foreign key constraint referencing ShipMethod.ShipMethodID. 
FK_SalesOrderHeader_SalesTerritory_TerritoryID  FOREIGN KEY  TerritoryID  Reference table: Sales.SalesTerritory
Foreign key constraint referencing SalesTerritory.TerritoryID. 


Name  Description 
AK_SalesOrderHeader_rowguid  Unique nonclustered index.Used to support replication samples. 
AK_SalesOrderHeader_SalesOrderNumber  Unique nonclustered index. 
IX_SalesOrderHeader_CustomerID  Nonclustered index. 
IX_SalesOrderHeader_SalesPersonID  Nonclustered index.> 


Name  Description 
Sales.uSalesOrderHeader  AFTER UPDATE trigger that updates the RevisionNumber and ModifiedDate columns in the SalesOrderHeader table.Updates the SalesYTD column in the SalesPerson and SalesTerritory tables. 

Linked tables 

Name  Description 
Sales.SalesOrderDetail  Individual products associated with a specific sales order. See SalesOrderHeader. 
Sales.SalesOrderHeaderSalesReason  Cross-reference table mapping sales orders to sales reason codes. 

Accessed by 

Name  Description 
Company Sales  Adventure Works sales by quarter and product category. This report illustrates the use of a matrix data region that provides drilldown from summary data into detail data by showing and hiding rows. This report also illustrates the use of background images. 
Employee Sales Summary  Adventure Works sales for an individual employee. This report includes Sales Comparison and Current Month Sales Comparison charts in addition to a Current Month Order Summary table with drillthrough to individual orders. This report illustrates the use of multiple datasets, charts, tables, drillthrough, and dynamic parameters. 
Product Line Sales  Adventure Works top five sales people and stores. This report illustrates a dataset with queries containing the TOP clause. It also illustrates the use of tables, charts, parameters, calculated fields, and drillthrough links. 
Sales Order Detail  Detail of an individual Adventure Works order. This report can be accessed as a drillthrough report from the Employee Sales Summary and Territory Sales drilldown report. This report illustrates the use of lists, tables, parameters, and expressions. 
Sales.iduSalesOrderDetail  AFTER INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE trigger that inserts a row in the TransactionHistory table, updates ModifiedDate in SalesOrderDetail and updates the SalesOrderHeader.SubTotal column. 
Sales.uSalesOrderHeader  AFTER UPDATE trigger that updates the RevisionNumber and ModifiedDate columns in the SalesOrderHeader table.Updates the SalesYTD column in the SalesPerson and SalesTerritory tables. 
Sales.vSalesPersonSalesByFiscalYears  Uses PIVOT to return aggregated sales information for each sales representative. 
Territory Sales Drilldown  Adventure Works sales by territory. This report drills down through salesperson and order number with drillthrough to individual orders. This report illustrates the use of a table data region that provides drilldown from summary data into detail data by showing and hiding rows. This report also illustrates the use of drillthrough links and conditional formatting. 

Modified by 

Name  Description 
Sales.iduSalesOrderDetail  AFTER INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE trigger that inserts a row in the TransactionHistory table, updates ModifiedDate in SalesOrderDetail and updates the SalesOrderHeader.SubTotal column. 
Sales.uSalesOrderHeader  AFTER UPDATE trigger that updates the RevisionNumber and ModifiedDate columns in the SalesOrderHeader table.Updates the SalesYTD column in the SalesPerson and SalesTerritory tables. 

Applies to

Tables | User
The AdventureWorks database sample was developed by Microsoft Corporation, copyright 2005. SQL Server is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation

Document was prepared on: Thursday, April 05, 2007
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