Tables SQL 2005 Adventure Works OLTP


Object type: Table

Employee information such as salary, department, and title.


Name  Data type  Nullable  Description 
EmployeeID  int  No Column has identity seed value of 1 with a step value of 1.
Primary key for Employee records. 
NationalIDNumber  nvarchar(15)  No Unique national identification number such as a social security number. 
ContactID  int  No Identifies the employee in the Contact table. Foreign key to Contact.ContactID. 
LoginID  nvarchar(256)  No Network login. 
ManagerID  int  Yes Manager to whom the employee is assigned. Foreign Key to Employee.M 
Title  nvarchar(50)  No Work title such as Buyer or Sales Representative. 
BirthDate  datetime  No Date of birth. 
MaritalStatus  nchar(1)  No M = Married, S = Single 
Gender  nchar(1)  No M = Male, F = Female 
HireDate  datetime  No Employee hired on this date. 
SalariedFlag  Flag  No Default value: 1
Job classification. 0 = Hourly, not exempt from collective bargaining. 1 = Salaried, exempt from collective bargaining. 
VacationHours  smallint  No Default value: 0
Number of available vacation hours. 
SickLeaveHours  smallint  No Default value: 0
Number of available sick leave hours. 
CurrentFlag  Flag  No Default value: 1
0 = Inactive, 1 = Active 
rowguid  uniqueidentifier  No Default value: NEWID()
ROWGUIDCOL number uniquely identifying the record. Used to support a merge replication sample. 
ModifiedDate  datetime  No Default value: GETDATE()
Date and time the record was last updated. 


Name  Type  Columns  Description 
DF_Employee_SalariedFlag  DEFAULT  SalariedFlag  Value: 1
Default constraint value of 1 (TRUE) 
DF_Employee_VacationHours  DEFAULT  VacationHours  Value: 0
Default constraint value of 0 
DF_Employee_SickLeaveHours  DEFAULT  SickLeaveHours  Value: 0
Default constraint value of 0 
DF_Employee_CurrentFlag  DEFAULT  CurrentFlag  Value: 1
Default constraint value of 1 
DF_Employee_rowguid  DEFAULT  rowguid  Value: NEWID()
Default constraint value of NEWID() 
DF_Employee_ModifiedDate  DEFAULT  ModifiedDate  Value: GETDATE()
Default constraint value of GETDATE() 
CK_Employee_BirthDate  CHECK  N/A  Value: ([BirthDate] BETWEEN '1930-01-01' AND DATEADD(YEAR, -18, GETDATE() ) )
Check constraint [BirthDate]>='1930-01-01' AND [BirthDate]<=dateadd(year,(-18),GETDATE()) 
CK_Employee_MaritalStatus  CHECK  N/A  Value: (UPPER([MaritalStatus]) IN ('M', 'S') )
Check constraint [MaritalStatus]='s' OR [MaritalStatus]='m' OR [MaritalStatus]='S' OR [MaritalStatus]='M' 
CK_Employee_HireDate  CHECK  N/A  Value: ([HireDate] BETWEEN '1996-07-01' AND DATEADD(DAY, 1, GETDATE() ) )
Check constraint [HireDate]>='1996-07-01' AND [HireDate]<=dateadd(day,(1),GETDATE()) 
CK_Employee_Gender  CHECK  N/A  Value: (UPPER([Gender]) IN ('M', 'F') )
Check constraint [Gender]='f' OR [Gender]='m' OR [Gender]='F' OR [Gender]='M' 
CK_Employee_VacationHours  CHECK  N/A  Value: ([VacationHours] BETWEEN -40 AND 240)
Check constraint [VacationHours]>=(-40) AND [VacationHours]<=(240) 
CK_Employee_SickLeaveHours  CHECK  N/A  Value: ([SickLeaveHours] BETWEEN 0 AND 120)
Check constraint [SickLeaveHours]>=(0) AND [SickLeaveHours]<=(120) 
PK_Employee_EmployeeID  PRIMARY KEY  EmployeeID  Clustered index created by a primary key constraint. 
FK_Employee_Employee_ManagerID  FOREIGN KEY  ManagerID  Reference table: HumanResources.Employee
Foreign key constraint referencing Employee.ManagerID. 
FK_Employee_Contact_ContactID  FOREIGN KEY  ContactID  Reference table: Person.Contact
Foreign key constraint referencing Contact.ContactID. 


Name  Description 
AK_Employee_LoginID  Unique nonclustered index. 
AK_Employee_NationalIDNumber  Unique nonclustered index. 
AK_Employee_rowguid  Unique nonclustered index.Used to support replication samples. 
IX_Employee_ManagerID  Nonclustered index. 


Name  Description 
HumanResources.dEmployee  INSTEAD OF DELETE trigger which keeps Employees from being deleted. 
HumanResources.uEmployee  AFTER UPDATE trigger setting the ModifiedDate column in the Employee table to the current date. 

Linked tables 

Name  Description 
HumanResources.Employee  Employee information such as salary, department, and title. 
HumanResources.EmployeeAddress  Cross-reference table mapping employees to their address(es). 
HumanResources.EmployeeDepartmentHistory  Employee department transfers. 
HumanResources.EmployeePayHistory  Employee pay history. 
HumanResources.JobCandidate  Résumés submitted to Human Resources by job applicants. 
Purchasing.PurchaseOrderHeader  General purchase order information. See PurchaseOrderDetail. 
Sales.SalesPerson  Sales representative current information. 

Accessed by 

Name  Description 
dbo.ufnGetContactInformation  Table value function returning the first name, last name, job title and contact type for a given contact. 
dbo.uspGetEmployeeManagers  Stored procedure using a recursive query to return the direct and indirect managers of the specified employee. 
dbo.uspGetManagerEmployees  Stored procedure using a recursive query to return the direct and indirect employees of the specified manager. 
Employee Sales Summary  Adventure Works sales for an individual employee. This report includes Sales Comparison and Current Month Sales Comparison charts in addition to a Current Month Order Summary table with drillthrough to individual orders. This report illustrates the use of multiple datasets, charts, tables, drillthrough, and dynamic parameters. 
HumanResources.vEmployee  Employee names and addresses. 
HumanResources.vEmployeeDepartment  Returns employee name, title, and current department. 
HumanResources.vEmployeeDepartmentHistory  Returns employee name and current and previous departments. 
Product Line Sales  Adventure Works top five sales people and stores. This report illustrates a dataset with queries containing the TOP clause. It also illustrates the use of tables, charts, parameters, calculated fields, and drillthrough links. 
Sales Order Detail  Detail of an individual Adventure Works order. This report can be accessed as a drillthrough report from the Employee Sales Summary and Territory Sales drilldown report. This report illustrates the use of lists, tables, parameters, and expressions. 
Sales.vSalesPerson  Sales representiatives (names and addresses) and their sales-related information. 
Sales.vSalesPersonSalesByFiscalYears  Uses PIVOT to return aggregated sales information for each sales representative. 
Territory Sales Drilldown  Adventure Works sales by territory. This report drills down through salesperson and order number with drillthrough to individual orders. This report illustrates the use of a table data region that provides drilldown from summary data into detail data by showing and hiding rows. This report also illustrates the use of drillthrough links and conditional formatting. 

Modified by 

Name  Description 
HumanResources.uEmployee  AFTER UPDATE trigger setting the ModifiedDate column in the Employee table to the current date. 
HumanResources.uspUpdateEmployeeHireInfo  Updates the Employee table and inserts a new row in the EmployeePayHistory table with the values specified in the input parameters. 
HumanResources.uspUpdateEmployeeLogin  Updates the Employee table with the values specified in the input parameters for the given EmployeeID. 
HumanResources.uspUpdateEmployeePersonalInfo  Updates the Employee table with the values specified in the input parameters for the given EmployeeID. 

Applies to

Tables | User
The AdventureWorks database sample was developed by Microsoft Corporation, copyright 2005. SQL Server is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation

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